Lynda Herremans will lead a caravan type field trip within the Walkinshaw Wetlands Preserve of the Manistee National Forest southeast of Walkerville. Participants will see and/or hear several species of meadow and wetland birds which may include bobolinks, savannah sparrows, marsh & sedge wrens, upland sandpipers, sandhill cranes, willow flycatchers, northern harrier, yellow & common yellowthroat warblers, catbirds and rails. Bald eagles and ravens are also common residents here! Bring your own binoculars if you have them; we will have a few extra on hand if needed. The field trip will take place under light rain conditions but will be cancelled in the event of medium to heavy rain. Space is limited to 24 participants. We will be meeting at the US Forest Service Walkinshaw parking area (at the Fox Rd. and 198th Ave. curve) at 8:00 am. We will be carpooling from there to limit the number of cars as much as possible. There are no other access points to the wetland area so we will be stopping along the route to bird along the gravel roads.
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Earlier Event: May 23
Native Plant Sale
Later Event: June 20
Summer Solstice Sunset