Forestry Assistance 

Through the Forestry Assistance Program we are able to provide, as a public service, forest management consultation to private landowners of Oceana, Newaygo, and Muskegon Counties.  Whether you use your forested property for hunting, fishing, bird watching, timber production, outdoor recreation, or to assure future generations can enjoy the land - we can help you better plan, understand, manage, protect and utilize your forest resources.

When you make an appointment for a free assessment, your conservation district forester will provide customized information about your property like aerial photographs and soil survey information. During the assessment they will ask questions about your goals, objectives, and previous management history while completing a quick inventory of your land. They will also provide you with information about state and federal assistance programs for private landowners, and help connect you to local professionals who can provide you with the services you need.

The Michigan Department of Natural Resources and the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development partner to fund conservation districts across the state to support quality forestry assistance delivered at the local level. Private landowners with forested property in Oceana, Newaygo and Muskegon counties who are interested in the Forestry Assistance Program should contact our District Forester at (231) 861-5600 Ex. 3005.

For Landowners

Qualified Forest Program

The purpose of the Qualified Forest Program is to encourage private forestland owners to manage their land in an economically viable and environmentally sustainable manner. Landowners receive a tax exemption for developing and implementing a forest management plan. Private landowners with 20-640 acres of forested land are eligible. The annual deadline to apply is September 1st.   

Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP)           

The NRCS EQIP program is a voluntary program that provides financial and technical assistance to agricultural producers and forest landowners. To see if your forested property is eligible for participation in the EQIP program, please visit the website below.

Forest Stewardship Program

The Forest Stewardship Program connects landowners with a forester or wildlife biologist to develop a Forest Stewardship Plan for their forest. Participation in the program is voluntary, and cost share is available throughout the year. Since 1991, almost 6,000 people in Michigan have used their Forest Stewardship Plan to help them to manage, protect and enjoy their forest.

Commercial Forest  program       

The Commercial Forest (CF) Program provides a significant property tax reduction to private forestland owners who allow hunting and fishing on their property. Check out the DNR web page below for more information, including where CFA land is located in your county:

For Professionals

The Forestry Assistance Program works to provide an initial professional contact with landowners who are interested in forest management on their property. Our role is to provide general guidance and information and facilitate referrals to other public and private resource professionals.

Qualified foresters interested in pursuing the project(s) described below should respond to the District Forester for Oceana, Newaygo and Muskegon counties within two weeks of the posting. You may include additional relevant information in your responses pertaining to the project. Our forester will then forward all responses to the landowner. Landowners are encouraged to contact all of the consultants who reply in a timely fashion, but the choice remains with the individual landowner. Our office will follow up with landowners to ensure they get the assistance they need.

Please contact us if you would like more information on any project. We may have other information such as notes, maps, or digital photographs.


Request Number: 64-25-34

Date Posted: 3/19/2025

Respond By: 3/26/2025

Location: Shelby Twp., Oceana Co.

Acres: 87

Forest Types:

Beech-maple with sugar maple, beech, red oak, red maple, and white pine. A variety of

plantations have been established with white pine, Douglas-fir, blue spruce etc.

Contact: Rod Denning, at (231) 861-5600 or (616) 920-9775 cell, or

Landowner Needs:

Landowner is interested applying to the Qualified Forest Program and is in need of a Forest

Stewardship Plan to apply. A future timber harvest is currently planned, marked, and

purchased. Note: Property was recently inherited by a new owner. Harvest activity was

planned by the previous owner.

Request Number: 62-25-30

Date Posted: 3/5/2025

Respond By: 3/12/2025

Location: Tyrone Twp., Kent Co.

Acres: 15 – approx. 11 acres harvest area.

Forest Types:

Mixed hardwoods of red oak, white oak, red maple, and bigtooth aspen are the most

common species. Black cherry, hemlock and white pine are also present. Poletimber and

small sawlogs are the most common size class, with scattered medium sawlogs.

Contact: Rod Denning, at (231) 861-5600 or (616) 920-9775 cell, or

Landowner Needs:

Landowner is interested in a future timber harvest. Note: Supplemental income is the

driving factor for this harvest.

Request Number: 61-25-28

Date Posted: 2/7/2025

Respond By: 2/14/2025

Location: Blue Lake Twp., Muskegon Co.

Acres: 195 (5 parcels)

Forest Types:

Northern dry-mesic oak forest. White oak, black oak, red oak, white pine, and red maple are

the most common tree species. Tamarack is found in the low areas near Silver Creek.

Based on presettlement vegetation maps, historically in the 1830’s the parcels were

considered white pine, white oak forests. Just north of the property was a large 4000-acre

oak barrens ecosystem that covered much of Blue Lake Twp. Barrens could have been part

of this property also.

Contact: Rod Denning, at (231) 861-5600 or (616) 920-9775 cell, or

Landowner Needs:

Landowner is interested in a Forest Stewardship Plan. QFP not an option, it is a primary


Request Number: 62-25-23

Date Posted: 1/2/2025

Respond By: 1/9/2025

Location: Sheridan Twp., Newaygo Co.

Acres: 40 – approx. 15 acres harvest area.

Forest Types:

Sugar maple, beech, red oak, bigtooth aspen, some basswood and red maple.

Contact: Rod Denning, at (231) 861-5600 or (616) 920-9775 cell, or

Landowner Needs:

Landowner is interested in a future timber harvest. The parcel has steep ravines that will

limit harvest removal. Interested in a very selective cut.

Request Number: 62-25-20

Date Posted: 12/13/2024

Respond By: 12/20/2024

Location: Beaver Twp., Newaygo Co.

Acres: 76

Forest Types:


Contact: Rod Denning, at (231) 861-5600 or (616) 920-9775 cell, or

Landowner Needs:

Property is in the Qualified Forest Program. The harvest year for at least one management

unit needs to be changed to 2025 (to start a new 6-year window) as an amendment to the

forest management plan harvest schedule. This change is due by the end of the year.

Landowner then wants to work with the forester to administer future forestry activities as

needed for the QFP.

Request Number: 41-25-17

Date Posted: 11/22/2024

Respond By: 11/29/2024

Location: Algoma Twp., Kent Co.

Acres: 39A

Forest Types: Mixed hardwoods with red oak, white oak, sugar maple, red maple, beech

and bigtooth aspen. Some lowland hardwoods along creek.

Contact: Rod Denning, at (231) 861-5600 or (616) 920-9775 cell, or

Landowner Needs:

Property is in the Qualified Forest Program. The harvest year for four stands needs to be

changed to 2025 (a new 6 year window would begin) as an amendment to the QFP

schedule. This change is due by the end of the year. Landowner then wants to work with

the forester to administer future forestry activities.

Request Number: 64-25-05

Date Posted: 10/8/2024

Respond By: 10/15/2024

Location: Grant Twp., Oceana Co.

Acres: 6 parcels, 280 total – 12 acres project area

Forest Types:

Red pine plantations 10, 1, and 1 acre. Trees are estimated to be 60 to 80 years old. The

plantations have been managed in the past. Most approximately 12” to 18” DBH, and in

good health. Understory consists of fairly dense saplings and poles of beech, maple, and


Contact: Rod Denning, at (231) 861-5600 or (616) 920-9775 cell, or

Landowner Needs:

Landowner is interested in having a timber harvest to remove the pine.

Request Number: 61-24-116

Date Posted: 9/19/2024

Respond By: 9/26/2024

Location: Ravenna Twp., Muskegon Co.

Acres: 14

Forest Types:

Northern mesic hardwood forest – dominate trees include, red oak, white and swamp white

oak, red maple, sugar maple, American beech, Eastern hemlock, basswood, bigtooth aspen,

yellow birch, and shagbark hickory. The forest has an abundance of vernal pools.

Contact: Rod Denning, at (231) 861-5600 or (616) 920-9775 cell, or

Landowner Needs:

Landowner is interested in having a timber harvest in the future.

Request Number: 61-24-110

Date Posted: 8/28/2024

Respond By: 9/4/2024

Location: Cedar Creek Twp., Muskegon Co.

Acres: 31

Forest Types:

Northern dry-mesic oak forest dominated by white pine, white oak, and black oak. Some

red maple and black cherry. Lots of advance white pine regeneration. Oak decline is


Contact: Rod Denning, at (231) 861-5600 or (616) 920-9775 cell, or

Landowner Needs:

Landowner is interested in having a timber harvest for salvage and timber stand

improvement purposes.