Dune Grass Sales — Oceana Conservation District

Dune Grass, also known as American Beachgrass and Marram Grass, is a spreading, rhizomatous native bunch grass common along the shores of Lake Michigan. Dune grass is often used as an erosion control plant for dune stabilization or on non-dune areas where soils are sandy and dry. Dune grass is attractive to many homeowners because it requires minimal maintenance—no mowing necessary, and once established, this native plant requires no irrigation or fertilizer.

Dune grass requires a sunny location and well-drained soils. The best times to plant is in the spring and in the fall. Oceana Conservation District sells dune grass every year in April and in September.

Spacing Recommendations

One to four culms should be planted per hole and spacing depends on how much erosion protection is needed and the desired density.

  • 18 inch spacing: For areas with flat ground and little threat of erosion. 500 sprigs of dune grass covers 1,000 square feet.

  • 12 inch spacing: For flat or sloped areas that need some erosion protection. One sprig of dune grass per square foot is our general recommendation, however if you’d prefer the dune grass to fill in faster, consider planting two sprigs per hole.

  • 8 inch spacing: For sloped areas with moderate erosion. Two per square foot.

  • 6 inch spacing: For high erosion areas (steep slopes and potential of 70 mph winds). Four per square foot.

Installation Recommendations

Dune grass sprigs, called culms, should be planted at about 8" deep using a planting bar or narrow digging trowel. (Tip: the end of a broomstick works well too.) Straw mat erosion blankets are generally not necessary unless there is a need to stabilize the sand until the time of planting.

Care & Maintenance

Dune grass will thrive in sandy, sunny conditions with minimal care and maintenance once established. We recommend watering thoroughly after planting and then once or twice per week for the first month if it has not rained.

SPRING Dune Grass Sale

Order Deadline: March 19, 2025

Pick-up Date: April 19, 2025

Pick-up Location: Oceana County Fairgrounds, 1025 S. State St, Hart, MIchigan 49420

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How much dune grass can you fit in your vehicle?

You’d be surprised! Dune grass sprigs do not have root systems. Dune grass comes in bundles of 100 and we package up to 10 bundles in one garbage bag.